Data Structure & Algorithms Tuition Near Sector 52 Noida
Data Structure & Algorithms Tuition Near Sector 52 Noida
Call For The Best B.Tech Tuition Tutor Near Sector-52 Noida. Tuition Classes are available for all subjects of Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Electronic, Computer Science.
Abstract Data Types, Sequences as value definitions, Data types in C, Pointers in C, Data
Structures and C, Arrays in C, Array as ADT, One Dimensional Array, Implementing one
Dimensional Array, Array as parameters, Two Dimensional Array, Structures in C,
Implementing Structures, Unions in C, Implementation of unions, Structure Parameters,
Allocation of storage and scope of variables, Recursive Definition and Processes: Factorial
Function, Fibonacci Sequence, Recursion in C, efficiency of Recursion, Hashing: Hash
Function, Open Hashing, Closed Hashing: Linear Probing, Quadratic Probing, Double
Hashing, Rehashing, Extendible Hashing.
Stack, Queue And Linked List: Stack definition and examples, Primitive Operations,
Example Representing Stacks in C, Push And Pop Operation Implementation, Queue as
ADT, C Implementation of Queues, Insert Operation, Priority Queue, Array Implementation
of Priority Queue, Inserting and Removing Nodes from a list-linked Implementation of stack,
Queue and Priority Queue, Other List Structures, Circular Lists: Stack and Queue as Circular
List -Primitive Operations on circular lists, Header Nodes, Doubly Linked Lists, Addition of
Long Positive Integers on Circular and Doubly Linked List
Trees: Binary trees: Operations on Binary Trees, Applications of Binary Trees, Binary Tree
Representation, Node Representation of Binary Trees, Implicit Array Representation of
Binary Tree, Binary Tree Traversal in C, Threaded Binary Tree, Representing List as Binary
Tree, Finding the Kth element, Deleting an Element, Trees and their applications: C
Representation of trees, Tree Traversals, Evaluating an Expression Tree, Constructing a Tree.
Sorting And Searching: General Background of Sorting: Efficiency Considerations,
Notations, Efficiency of Sorting, Exchange Sorts: Bubble Sort; Quick Sort; Selection Sort;
Binary Tree Sort; Heap Sort, Heap as a Priority Queue, Sorting Using a Heap, Heap Sort
Procedure, Insertion Sorts: Simple Insertion, Shell Sort, Address Calculation Sort, Merge
Sort, Radix Sort, Sequential Search: Indexed Sequential Search, Binary Search, Interpolation
Graphs: Application of Graph, C Representation of Graphs, Transitive Closure, Warshall's
Algorithm, Shortest Path Algorithm, Linked Representation of Graphs, Dijkstra's Algorithm,
Graph Traversal, Traversal Methods for Graphs, Spanning Forests, Undirected Graph and
their Traversals, Depth First Traversal, Application of Depth First Traversal, Efficiency of
Depth First Traversal, Breadth First Traversal, Minimum Spanning Tree, Kruskal's
Algorithm, Round Robin Algorithm.
Text Book:
1. Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Yeedidyah Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein, "Data structures
using C and C++", Pearson Education.
2. Reema Theraja, "Data Structure using C", OUP Publication.
References Books:
1. E. Balagurusamy, "Programming in ANSI C', Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Robert L. Kruse, Bruce P. Leung Clovis L. Tondo, "Data Structures and Program
Design in C", Pearson Education.
3. Lipschutz, "Data Structures With C", Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
4. TH Koreman, "Introduction to Algorithms", MIT Press.
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