B.Tech Tuition Center In Noida Near Sector 52
B.Tec Mathematics and Computing Subjects Tuition In Noida
Call For The Best Mathematics Tuition Center In Noida Near Sector 52.
Metric spaces: Definition and examples. Open, closed and bounded
sets. Interior, closure and boundary. Convergence and completeness.
Continuity and uniform continuity. Connectedness, compactness and
separability. Heine-Borel theorem. Pointwise and uniform convergence
of real-valued functions. Equicontinuity. Ascoli-Arzela theorem. Limits,
continuity and differentiability of functions of a complex variable.
Analytic functions, the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Definition of
contour integrals, Cauchy's integral formula and derivatives of analytic
functions. Morera's and Liouville's theorems. Maximum modulus
principle. Taylor and Laurent series. Isolated singular points and
residues. Cauchy's residue theorem and applications.
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C-F-A Academy Of Career Development
(A Unit of Pushti Infotech Pvt. Ltd.)
C-28, Sec-52, NOIDA
Ph: 9891500587, 9650308924
Email: enquiry.cfa@gmail.com
Website: www.cfaacd.com
C-F-A Academy Of Career Development
(A Unit of Pushti Infotech Pvt. Ltd.)
C-28, Sec-52, NOIDA
Ph: 9891500587, 9650308924
Email: enquiry.cfa@gmail.com
Website: www.cfaacd.com